Inbound Overflow
Some call centers are tasked with handling as many calls as possible during every hour of every day. That can result in callers either misunderstanding the conversation or receiving incorrect information.
At UHealthSolutions, we deliver clear communications, even if it takes a moment or two longer. Simple, complete explanations. Accurate translations for callers who don’t speak English. And patient, respectful interactions. We can handle all of your overflow inbound call needs to ensure that your clients receive excellent customer service during the first contact — so your member, patient, or provider doesn’t have to make a second call.
Whether your inbound callers are looking for member services, provider services, or general patient communication, we provide the information they need. Our representatives have extensive knowledge of a wide range of topics, including these:
- Eligibility and enrollment
- Covered benefits
- Where to access benefits
- Copays and deductibles
- Coordination of benefits with other insurers
- Enrollment applications
We expect and prepare for fluctuations in your organization’s service needs. Our contact center services can be scaled up or down to meet your requirements for member and provider services. By partnering with UHealthSolutions you reduce the costs associated with hiring and training new employees and with managing and maintaining call center equipment and facilities.
Did you know?
Letting us handle your inbound overflow calls can provide the following benefits:
- Up to a 20 percent increase in employee productivity
- Reduced time and costs by aligning staffing with calling patterns
- Optimized efficiency through targeted performance feedback
- Increased first-call resolution
Examples of Our Solutions
In 2015, we provided call center expansion capacity to a large Rhode Island-based health plan.
- Recruited and trained 40 FTE within 60 days.
- Handled more than double the projected number of outbound Health Risk Assessment calls in the first 90 days following program launch.
In just six weeks, we launched a full-scale patient and provider helpline for the Massachusetts Health Safety Net program.